Scriptural Phrase Guide (A-D)
Scriptural Phrase Guide (E-K)
Scriptural Phrase Guide (L-R)
Scriptural Phrase Guide (S-Z)
"Each man according to"
Eagles' wings
"Early in the morning"
Earth and planets
"Earth before"
Earth beneath
Earth footstool
Earth shake
Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea
The earth shall be rolled together as a scroll
Earth shook and trembled
Earth should pass away
"The earth should/shall stand"
Earth tremble
Ease the burdens
East of Eden
"East of the river Sidon"
East sea and west sea
East side
East, west, north, south
"East wilderness"
"East wind"
"Easy to be entreated"
Eat and drink
Eat and filled
Eat bread
"Eat, drink and be merry"
Eat nothing
Eat or put on
Edge of the sword
Edom and Moab
An effectual door shall be opened
Egypt, the house of bondage
Either of
"Elder brethren/brothers"
The elders of the church
"Elders of the Jews"
Elders, priests and teachers
Eldest and youngest
Eldest of
Eldest son
Eldest son of
"The elements shall melt with fervent heat"
The elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth shall be wrapped together as a scroll
Enact laws
"Encircled about"
Encircle about with his chains
Encircle in the arms
Encircle in the arms of love
Encircle round about
"Encompassed about"
"The end"
"The end draweth nigh"
Endeavor to
Endeavor to establish
Endless life
"Endless torment"
"End of its creation"
End of life
End of speaking
"End of the world"
End of words
"End of years"
Endowed with power from on high
"Ends of the earth"
(answered) "The ends of the law"
"The end soon cometh"
End the days
"The end thereof"
Endure in faith on his name to the end
Endure torment
Endure to the end
"Energies of my soul"
"The enemy of God"
Enemy to/of all righteousness
"Engraven upon the plates of Nephi"
Engrave on plates
Engravings in stone
"Engravings thereon"
Enjoy their rights and privileges
Enlarge the borders
Enlarge the soul
"Enlightened by the Spirit"
Enlighten mind
Ensign of the people
Ensign to the nations
Enter and partake
Enter and taught
"Entered into one of"
"Enter in"
"Enter into"
"Enter into a covenant"
Enter into his rest
Enter into house
"Enter into judgment"
Enter into temples
Enter into the heart
Enter into their synagogues
"Enter into the rest of the Lord"
"Enter into the rest of the Lord their God"
"Enter not"
Enter the city
"Entire destruction"
Entrusted to/unto
Entrusted with
Envyings and strife
"Envyings and strifes and malice"
Envyings, strife, malice and persecutions and pride
Ephraim and Manasseh
"Equal chance"
Equal to
Equal/unequal grounds
Equity and justice
"Equity and justice"
Equity and truth
Error of their ways
Establish again
Establish church among
Establish church among them
Establish churches
"Established by the voice of the people"
Established by
Established by fathers
"Establish God's word"
Establish in the land
Establish king
Establish kingdom
Establish laws
"Establish peace"
Establish peace in the land
Establish the affairs
Establish the kingdom
Establish the order of the church
Establish the words
Establish throughout the land
Esteem as
Esteem as naught
"Esteemed by"
Esteemed him
Esteem flesh
Esteem more than
"Eternal Father"
"Eternal God"
"The Eternal God"
"Eternal hatred"
"Eternal Life"
"Eternal life through Christ"
"Eternally in the heavens"
"Eternal punishment"
"Eternal purposes"
"Eternal salvation"
"Eternal world"
"Even after"
Even against
Even all
Even all my
"Even all these"
Even all this
"Even among"
Even among the Gentiles
"Even as"
"Even as a child"
Even as brethren
"Even as I"
"Even as I am"
"Even as I have"
"Even as I have spoken"
"Even as it has been"
"Even as it is"
"Even as it were"
"Even as I will"
"Even as long as"
"Even as Moses"
"Even as our fathers"
Even as said
"Even as the Lord"
"Even as we"
"Even as ye have"
"Even at this time"
"Even by"
Even down to
"Even down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah"
"Even every"
"Even every one"
"Even from"
"Even from the"
"Even from the beginning"
"Even I"
"Even if it so be"
"Even I, myself"
"Even in"
"Even insomuch that they"
Even in the
Even now
"Even on"
"Even one"
"Even one senine"
"Even so"
"Even so I desire that"
"Even so it is"
"Even so it is with"
Even so it shall be
"Even so many"
Even so many that they did not number them
"Even so much"
"Even so will"
"Even so will I"
Even such
"Even that"
"Even the"
"Even the city of"
Even the earth
Even the God of
"Even the pains"
Even the son of
Even the very
Even they did
"Even to"
Even to half of the kingdom
"Even to the dust"
Even to the
Even to the land of
Even to the present
"Even to the present time"
"Even to the sea"
"Even until"
"Even until death"
Even until I
"Even until now"
"Even until the time"
"Even unto"
"Even unto death"
"Even unto destruction"
"Even unto the consuming of my flesh"
"Even unto the end"
"Even unto the end of the world"
Even when
Even when I
Even with
"Ever after"
Ever be
Ever been
Ever been protected by the Nephites
"Everlasting burning"
"Everlasting chains"
"Everlasting death"
"Everlasting destruction"
"Everlasting fire"
"Everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels"
"Everlasting life"
"Everlasting light"
"Everlasting punishment"
"Everlasting salvation"
"Ever since"
"Ever since the world began"
"Ever will be"
"Every church"
Every city
"Every creature"
"Every day"
"Every family"
"Every form"
"Every generation"
"Every hand"
"Every kind"
Every knee shall bow (and every tongue shall confess)
"Every living"
"Every living creature"
"Every living soul"
"Every man"
"Every man according to"
Every man according to his ability
"Every man according to his eating"
"Every man according to his family"
"Every man according to his service"
"Every man according to his strength"
"Every man according to his wants and needs"
"Every man according to his ways"
Every man according to his work
Every man according to that which he had
"Every man receives"
"Every one"
"Every one according to"
Every one his
"Every one that dwelleth"
"Every one that is proud"
Every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters
"Every other"
"Every people"
Every sin
"Every soul"
Every thing
Every thing shall be restored to its frame
"Every tongue"
"Every tree"
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire
"Every whit"
"Evil cometh from the devil"
Evil come upon
"Evil concerning"
"Evil doings"
"Evil fruit"
"The evil one"
"Evil spirit"
Evil upon
Evil works
Exact of
"Exalt the voice"
"Exceed all"
"Exceed all the whiteness"
"Exceeding faith"
"Exceeding faith in the words alone"
Exceeding joy
Exceedingly angry
"Exceedingly fine"
Exceedingly glad
"Exceeding(ly) great"
"Exceedingly great joy"
"Exceedingly great many"
"Exceedingly in the land"
"Exceeding(ly) many"
"Exceedingly more numerous"
Exceedingly numerous
Exceedingly rejoice
Exceedingly rich
"Exceedingly sharp"
"Exceedingly sore"
"Exceedingly sorrowful"
"Exceedingly wicked"
"Exceeding(ly) wroth"
Exceed strength
"Excellent things"
"Except he be"
Except he doth
"Except he shall"
"Except I shall"
"Except it be"
"Except it be through"
"Except it be little children"
"Except it be through transgression"
"Except it were"
Except shall
"Except there"
Except they repent
Except they repent and turn to the Lord their God, they shall be brought into bondage
Except they repent, they shall perish
Except they shall
"Except thou"
"Except thou repent"
"Except we"
Except will
"Except ye"
Except ye repent
"Except ye shall"
Except ye show me a sign
"Except ye will"
Execute commandments
"Executed according to the law"
"Execute Judgment"
"Execute judgment in righteousness"
Executes vengeance
"Exercise authority"
"Exercised with"
Exercise faith
Exercise faith and repentance
Exercise faith unto repentance
Exercise judgment
Exercise justice
Exhort that
Exercise power
Exercise your faith
Exhort them daily
Exert themselves
Exhaust strength
Exhort the people
Exhort to diligence
Exhort to patience
Exhort with all long-suffering
"Exhort you"
"The existence of a"
"Expedient that"
"Expedient that ye should"
Experience a change of heart
Experiment on words
Explain things
"Exposed to the"
Expound all
Expound all things
Expound scriptures
Expound these things unto him
Expound unto
Extend arm of mercy
Extended his arm
"Extended towards"
"Eye of faith"
Eye single
Eye single to the glory of God
"The eyes of the blind"
"The eyes of the king of"
"Eyes of them"
"Eyes of the people"
"Eyes of the world"
Eyes water
"Ezrom of silver"
"Face of the/this earth"
"Face of the/this land"
"Face of the world"
Face shone
"Face to face"
Faculties which I possessed
Faculty of soul
"Fair daughters"
"Fair promises"
Faith and charity
Faith and diligence
Faith and good works
Faith and hope
Faith and miracles
Faith and patience
Faith and repentance
Faith, diligence and patience
Faith, diligence, patience and long-suffering
"Faithful in Christ"
Faithful in keeping the commandments
"The faithfulness of"
"The faithfulness of Ammon"
"Faithful until"
Faith, hope and charity
"Faith in"
Faith in Christ
"Faith in God"
"Faith in/on his/the name"
Faith in the Lamb of God
Faith in the Lord
Faith is vain
Faith of Christ
"Faith on"
"Faith on his name"
Faith on the Lord
Faith, patience and long-suffering
Faith perfect
Faith, repentance, baptism
Faith; things hoped for and not seen
Faith unto
"Faith unto repentance"
Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, charity
"Faith which is in"
"Faith which is in Christ"
Fall among
Fall away
Fall away into
"Fall before"
"Fall before them"
Fall by
Fall by the sword
Fall dead
"Fall down before"
Fallen because of transgression
"Fallen from heaven"
"Fallen people"
"Fallen state"
"Fallen to the earth"
Fall into
Fall into errors
Fall into the hands
Fall into the hands of enemies
"Fall into transgression"
Fall of Adam
"Fall of man"
Fall on us
"The fall thereof"
Fall to
Fall to the earth
Fall under
Fall upon
Fall upon knees
Fall upon them and slay them
Fall upon the people
Fall upon us
"False Christs"
"False doctrines"
"False prophets"
"False teachers"
"False witness"
"Familiar spirits"
"Family of Adam"
Famine and pestilence
"Far be it from"
"Far countries"
"Far distant"
"Far from"
"Far from thee"
"Far more"
A far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory
Fasted many days
Fasting and mighty prayer
Fasting and mourning
Fasting and praying
Fasting, mourning and prayer
"Father Abraham"
Father and kindred
Father and kinsfolk
Father and mother
The Father and the Son
Father commanded
Father died
Father had spoken
Father heard
"Father in heaven"
Father Lehi
"Father of all"
"Father of heaven (and of earth)"
"The father of Lamoni"
"The father of Lamoni, who was king over all the land"
"Father of lies"
Father rejoiced
Fathers and daughters
Fathers and mothers
Fathers and mothers, wives and children
Fathers and sons
"Fathers' first inheritance"
Fathers in the wilderness
Fathers mourn
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Fathers out of
Father speaks
Father, the king
"Fat ones"
"Favored of the Lord"
Favor in the eyes
"Favor in the eyes of the king of the"
Favor in the sight
Fear and dread
Fear and joy
Fear and marvel
"Fear and trembling/tremble"
Fear before
Fear before God
Fear came
Fear came upon
Fear came upon them
"Feared lest that"
Feared that the judgments of God would come upon them
"Fear exceedingly"
"Fear God"
"Fearing that"
Fear lest
"Fear me"
"Fear not"
"Fear not, little flock"
"Fear of"
"Fear of the Lord"
Fear that
Fear the people
Fear to
Fear words
Feasting on the word
Feast unto
Feast unto the Lord
Feast upon
Fed with manna
Fed with manna in the wilderness
"The feeble knees"
Feed and clothe
Feed and water
Feed flocks
Feed the hungry
Feed the prophets
"Fell again to the earth"
"Fellow beings"
"Fellow laborers"
"Fenced wall"
Few believed
"Few of"
"Few of them"
Fields and forests
"Fields of grain"
Fierce anger
"The fierce anger of the Lord"
"Fierce winds"
"Fiery darts"
"Fiery (flying) serpents"
"Fight against"
Fight against God
Fight against thee
"Fight against Zion"
Fight battles
Fight for
Fight like dragons
Fight with the sword
Filled with
Filled with all manner
"Filled with compassion towards"
"Filled with exceedingly great joy"
"Filled with joy"
"Filled with love"/"Full of love"
"Filled with smoke"
"Filled with sorrow"
"Filled with the"
"Filled with the Holy Ghost"
"Filled with the Spirit"
Filled with the Spirit of God
Filled with wonder and amazement
Fill souls
Fill souls with guilt
Fill souls with joy
Filthy and unclean
Filthy before God
"Filthy lucre"
"Filthy still"
"Final state"
Find an accusation
Find bones
Find favor
Find favor in the eyes
Find favor in the sight
Find mercy
Find out
"Find pasture"
Find records
Find that
Find the people
Find words
"Fine apparel"
"Fine linen"
"Fine-twined linen"
Fine wood
Fine workmanship
"Finger of"
"Finger of God"
"The finger of the Lord"
"Finished burying their dead"
Finished these sayings
"Finish my record"
Finish the work
Finish translating
Finish work
"Fire and brimstone"
Fire and the Holy Ghost
Fire consumes
Fire whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever
Firm decree
Firm decree of God
Firm in faith
"Firm in the faith of Christ"
Firm Lamanites
Firm minds
Firm, steadfast and immovable
The first
First and chief
First and last
First appear
First began
First commandment
"First day of the week"
"First death" (unto life)
"First fruits"
"The firstfruits unto God"
"First inheritance"
Firstlings of their flocks
"First parents"
"First resurrection"
First shall be last, last shall be first
"First that should rise"
"First time"
"First year"
"The first year"
Flame of a devouring fire
"Flaming fire"
Flatter away
Flattering words
"Fled into the east wilderness"
Fled out of lands unto
Flee before
"Flee before the Lamanites"
"Flee for help"
"Flee from"
Flee from before
Flee from the presence
Flee from the sword
Flee into
Flee into the wilderness
"Flee out"
Flee out of hands
"Flee out of the land"
"Flesh and blood"
"Flesh and bones"
"Flesh becoming subject"
"Flesh waste away"
Flesh worms
Flock in
Flocks and herds
Flocks, herds and grain
Flocks of fields
"The flocks of the king"
"Flocks unto the king"
Flocks of the people
"Fold of God"
Follow after
"Follow after righteousness"
"Followers of Christ"
Follow into the wilderness
Follow the example
Follow their brethren
"Follow thou me"
"Food and raiment"
Food for support
Foolish and vain
"Foolish imaginations of his heart"
"Foolish things"
"Foolish traditions"
"Foolish traditions of your fathers"
Fools mock
"For a day"
For after
For after have
"For after this"
For after ye
"For a little season"
For all
"For all mankind"
"For all the riches"
"For all this"
"For all this, his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still"
"For a long time"
For a man
"For as"
"For a season"
"For as in"
For as in Adam
"For as I said"
"For a testimony"
"For a time"
"For a wise purpose"
Forbear from
"For behold"
For behold, he
For behold he said
"For behold, if"
"For behold, I say unto you"
For behold, it is
"For behold, they have"
"For behold, they were"
For behold, this
For behold, we
"For behold, we are"
"The forbidden fruit"
For children
For Christ's sake
"The foreknowledge of God"
"Forest of"
For eternity
Forever Amen
Forever and ever. Amen.
"Forever and ever"
"For fear of"
"For fear of the law"
For food
Forget the commandments
Forgive one another
Forgive sins
Forgive trespasses
Forgive us
"Forgive you"
Forgiveness of sins
For he has
"For he knew"
"For he said"
For he said unto
"For he shall"
"For himself"
"For his mercy endureth for ever"
For his own sins
For his son
For I
For I am
"For I cannot"
For I do
For I do know
For I do not
For if
"For if a man"
"For I know"
For I know that
For inheritance
"For in his"
"For I ought"
"For I say unto you"
"For I shall"
"For I swear"
For it
"For it came to pass"
"For it did"
For it is
For it is because
"For it is better that we"
For it is expedient
For it is for
"For it is given"
"For it is necessary"
"For it is written, Thou shalt"
"For it shall not be"
For it was
"For it was given unto"
"For it was they"
"For it were not possible"
For I will
For know
"For many"
"For many days"
"For many years"
For me
Formed a church
For me or against me
For mercy
"Former things"
"For mine eyes have seen"
"The form of a dove"
"Form of a man"
Form of godliness
For my
"For my people"
"For myself"
For my soul
"For naught"
Fornication and lasciviousness
"For our brethren"
"For our iniquities"
For our transgressions
"For perhaps"
For purpose
For redemption
"For, said he"
Forsake all
Forsake (not) the people
Forsake sins
For sake(s)
For such
"For such as"
For support
Forth among
Forth among the people
Forth and stand
For the atonement
For the brethren
"For the church"
For the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty
"For thee"
"For thee, O king"
For the fear
"For the fear of the Lord"
"For the fear of the Lord came upon"
"For the first"
"For the intent"
"For their good"
For their support
For the king
"For the king and"
"For the last time"
For the Lord God
"For the Lord hath said"
For the Lord God hath spoken it
"For the loss of"
For the many blessings bestowed upon
"For themselves"
For them than for you
"For then"
For the night
For the people
For the people's sake
"For the purpose"
"For the purpose of"
For there
For there are
For the redemption
For there is
"For the sake"
"For the sake of"
For these
"For these things"
"For the sole purpose"
"For the space of"
"For the space of ... days"
For the space of days and nights
"For the space of four days"
"For the space of many days"
"For the space of three days"
"For the space of two days and two nights"
"For the space of ... years"
"For the space of many years"
For the time cometh
"For the time speedily cometh that"
For the war(s)
"For the welfare"
For the welfare of souls
"For the welfare of your souls"
For the which
For the word
"For the word of God"
For the work
"For they are"
For they are in
"For they are true"
For they desired that they might bring souls unto me
"For they have"
For they have gone
"For they supposed"
For they were
"Forth into the city"
"For this cause"
"For this end"
For this I have come
"For this intent"
For this purpose
For those
"For those of"
For three days
"For three years"
"Forth to battle"
Forth to the land
"For thus"
"For thus saith"
"For thus saith the Lord"
Forth whither
Fortify and strengthen
Fortify cities
For time
"For to"
For to have
"For to keep"
"Forty and two"
"Forty days"
"Forty days and forty nights"
"For unto us"
For wages
For we are
For welfare
"For we ourselves"
"For what"
For when
For when I
"For which"
For which I
"For whom"
For wives
For ye/you know
"For your welfare"
For zeal
"Fought much"
"Foundation of the world"
"Foundations of the earth"
"Found blameless"
"Found by the people of Limhi"
Founder of church
"Found guiltless"
"Found guilty"
Found him not
"Found not"
Found out the minds of all the people
"Found spotless"
"Found upon"
"Fountain of"
"Fountain of all righteousness"
Fountain of water
Four corners/parts/quarters/winds
"Four quarters of the earth"
"Four sons"
Fourth day of the month
"Fowls of the air"
Frankly forgive
Freedom from bondage
Free from
"Free from sin"
"Free man"
Friendly with
"From a far country"
From all
From all afflictions
"From all eternity to all eternity"
"From among"
"From among them"
"From among you"
"From before"
"From before my face"
"From before my presence"
"From before the foundation of the world"
"From being destroyed"
From chains
From city to city
"From day to day"
From enemies
From eternity to eternity
"From everlasting"
"From everlasting to everlasting"
"From far"
"From generation to generation"
From hearts
From heaven
From hell
"From house to house"
From land to land
From me
From mortal
From mortality to immortality
"From my presence"
"From off"
"From one"
From one end to the other
From one generation to another
From one to another
"From on high"
"From our brethren"
From place to place
From sins
"From that time"
"From that time even until"
"From that time forth"
"From that time forward"
"From the bands of death"
"From the beginning"
From the body
"From the Church"
"From the creation"
"From the creation of Adam"
"From the dead"
"From the east"
From the east and from the west and from the north and from the south
From the east to the west
"From the end of heaven"
"From the foundation"
"From the foundation of the world"
"From the ground"
From the hand
"From the hand of the Lord"
"From the heat"
From their sins
"From the king"
"From the labors"
"From the land"
"From the land of"
"From the land of Egypt"
"From the land of Gideon"
"From the land of the north"
"From the land of Zarahemla"
From them
"From the midst thereof"
From them into
From the mouth
"From the mouth of Ammon"
From the multitude
"From thence"
From thence come
"From thenceforth"
"From the Nephites"
"From the north"
From the presence
From there
From the sea west to the sea east
"From the south"
"From the time"
"From the time that"
From the time that Lehi left Jerusalem
From the time they left the land of Zarahemla until they returned again
"From the tower"
"From the west"
From the west to the east
"From the wicked"
From this/that time
From this/that time and forever
"From this/that time forth"
"From this/that time henceforth" (and forever)
"From this time forward"
"From time to time"
From to
"From whence"
"From whence it came"
"From whence there is no"
"From whence they can no more return"
"From year to year"
From your sins
"Fruitful field"
Fruit of labors
"Fruit of ___ loins"
"Fruit of the earth"
Fruit of their
Fruit of the tree
Fruit of the tree of life
Fruit of the vineyard
"Fruit of the womb"
"Fruit of their doings"
"The fruit thereof"
"Fuel of fire"
"Fulfil all righteousness"
Fulfil covenants
Fulfil promises
Fulfil the commandments
Fulfil the law
Fulfil the law of Moses
Fulfil the oath
Fulfil the word
"Fulfil the word"
Fulfil the word of God
Fulfil the word of the Lord
"Full account"
"Full of all manner of"
"Full of grace and truth"
"Full of grace, equity, and truth"
"Full of patience"
"Full of the fury of the Lord"
"Full purpose of heart"
"Fully ripe"
"Fulness of"
"The fulness of the Gentiles"
Fulness of the gospel
"Fulness of the wrath of God"
"Fulness of time"
A furnace of fire
Future generations
Gadianton band/robbers
Gadianton robbers did infest the land
"Gained the victory over"
"Gain favor"
"Gain favor in the eyes of"
"Gain power"
"The gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity"
The Garden of Eden
"The garden of the Lord"
A garment in a furnace
Garments and sword
Garments are pure and white
Garments made white through the blood of the Lamb
Garments spotless
Garments stained
Garments washed white
"The gate of the city"
"Gates of hell" (shall not prevail against you)
"Gates of righteousness"
"Gathered home" to the lands of their inheritance
"Gathered in one"
Gathered their flocks together
"Gathered together"
Gathered together [their] armies
Gathered together throughout all the land
"Gathered together to battle"
Gathered together to the lands of their inheritance
"Gather in"
Gather into the garners
"Gather out"
Gather selves
Gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings
Gather themselves together
"Gather themselves together"
Gather them together
Gather together all the people
Gather together the people/Gather the people together
Genealogy of fathers
Genealogy of forefathers
Genealogy was kept
Gentiles seek
"Get gain"
Get out
Get out of this land
Get power and gain
Get root
"Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred"
"Gift and power of God"
"Gift from God"
"Gift of God"
Gift of speaking with tongues
"Gift of the Holy Ghost"
Gift of translation
Girdle about loins
Girdle of skin about loins
Gird loins
Gird on armor
Gird up your loins
Gird with sackcloth
"Gird yourselves"
Give an account
Give an account of wars
Give a portion
Give a portion of their substance
Give a portion of the Spirit
Give away
"Give charge"
Give charge
Give charge concerning
Give commandments
Give counsel
"Give ear"
"Give ear to"
"Give ear to my words"
Give great
Give great power
Give great power unto
"Give heed"
Give heed to my word
"Give heed unto the word"
Give hereafter
"Give him a charge"
Give land
Give laws
Give me
Give me knowledge
"Give me strength"
Give money
Given according to
Given by
"Given to the children"
"Given to us"
"Given under heaven"
Given unto
Given unto us
"Give place"
Give power
Give stones
Give strength
Give success
Give thanks
"Give thanks to God"
Give thanks to the Lord
"Give the Holy Ghost"
"Give their light"
Give themselves
Give to
Give to another
Give to know
Give to the people
Give unto
Give unto brethren
Give unto him
Give unto many
Give unto me
Give unto thee
Give unto them
Give unto them according to
Give unto them land
Give unto us
Give unto you
Give up
Give up the ghost
Give us
Give utterance
Give you
"Give you a sign"
"Glad tidings"
"Glad tidings of great joy"
Glance of his eye
Glory, dominion
Glory in
"Glory in the Lord"
Glory, majesty
Glory, majesty, dominion, power
Glory, might
Glory, might, power, dominion
"The glory of"
"Glory of God"
"Glory of his majesty"/"Majesty of his glory"
"The glory of the Lord"
"Glory of the world"
"Glory of Zion"
Glory, power
Glory, power, might, majesty dominion
Glut themselves with the labors of the hands of the people
Gnashing of teeth
Go about
Go about among the people
Go about from house to house begging food
Go about with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church
"Go again"
Go against
Go against the Lamanites
Go against them to battle
Go among
Go astray
Go and call
Go and deliver
"Go and do"
Go and inquire of the Lord
"Go and labor"
"Go and prophesy"
Go and stand/Went and stood
Go and take/Went and took
Go and tell
"Go and whosoever"
"Go away"
"Go before"
Go before this people
"God above all"
God a liar
"God and all men"
"God bearing witness"
God brings about his great and eternal purposes
God called
God can do
God can not lie
God, Christ and Holy Ghost
God conversed
God could not
"God created man"
God created man in his own image
God does not walk in crooked paths
does not walk in crooked paths, neither doth he vary from that which he
hath said, therefore his course is one eternal round
God dwells
God executes
"God forever"
God gave
God gave commandments
God gave him
God grant
God has delivered
God has delivered me
"God has given"
"God hath said"
God hath taken away
God hath wrought
"God himself"
God himself should come down among the children of men
God is merciful
"God is my salvation"
"God is with us"
"God of Abraham"
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
God of Isaac
"God of Israel"
"God of Jacob"
"God of miracles"
"God of my salvation"
"God of our fathers"
God, our Father
"Go down"
Go down to the grave
"Go down to the grave"
Go down to the land
"Go down to the land of Zarahemla"
"Go down unto our brethren"
God placed cherubim and a flaming sword
"God redeemed"
God redeemed his people
"God reigneth"
God save
God sent
God sent his holy
God shall smite thee
"God the Father"
God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
"God, who has created you"
God, who has created you
God, who has redeemed them
"God will destroy"
God will save
God work
"God would have"
Go forth
"Go forth against"
Go forth among
Go forth among the people
Go forth and
Go forth and partake
"Go forth and preach"
"Go forth and say unto this people"
"Go forth and speak"
Go forth and stand
"Go forth in my name"
Go forth in power
Go forth into the land
"Go forth to meet"
Go forth to/unto
Go forth with flocks
"Go hungry"
"Go in"
"Going forth"
Go in search of the flocks
Go into
Go in to possess
Go into the land
Go into the water
Go into the wilderness
"Go in unto"
"Go in with"
Gold and precious
Gold and silver
Gold and silver and precious things
Gold plates
Gold, precious stones
Gold, silver and brass
Gold, silver, brass, and iron
Gold, silver, brass, iron and copper
Gold, silver, brass, iron, copper and steel
Gold, silver, brass, iron, copper and ziff
Gold, silver, fine linen, silks and scarlets
Gold, silver, precious stones
"Gone astray"
"Gone into captivity"
Gone to dwell
Gone to the land
"Go no more out"
Good and bad
Good and evil
"Good desires"
Good examples
"Good for nothing"
"Good fruit"
"Good gift"
"Good hope"
"Good in my sight"
Goodness and longsuffering
Goodness and mercy
"The goodness of God"
Good or evil
Good overcome evil
"Good part"
"Good seed"
"Good shepherd"
The good shepherd doth call you
"Good spot of ground"
"Good spirit"
Good thing
"Good tidings"
"Good tidings of good"
"Good word"
"Good word of God"
"Good works"
Go on
Go on to
Go out among
Go out to
Go over
Go over into
Go round about
"Gospel of Jesus Christ"
Gospel, rock, salvation
Go the way
Go thither
"Go to battle"
Go to father
Go to God
Go to him
"Go to the hill"
Go to the land
Go to the land to preach the word unto
Go to war
"Got the plates"
"Go thy way"
"Go to and labor"
Go to our
Got the victory
Go unto
Go unto the land
Got upon
"Go up"
"Go up again"
Go up to battle
"Go up to Jerusalem"
"Go up to the land"
"Go up to the land of Nephi"
"Governed by"
"Governor over"
Governor over all the land
Governor over the land
"Govern the people"
"Go well" (with thee)
Go/went out
Go/went out to meet
Go/went thither
Go with
Go with him
Go with me
"Go with thee"
"Go with them"
Go with this
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature
ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not"
Grace and mercy
Grace and truth
"Grace for grace"
Grace, mercy and truth
"Grace of God"
Grace of God be and abide with you forever. Amen.
Graft branches
"Grafted in"
Grain and flocks
Grain in the season of grain
Grant a portion
Granted unto man
"Grant it"
"Grant it unto"
Grant liberty
Grant repentance
Grant that
Grant that they might speak
Grant that thy "brethren may be cast out of prison"
"Grant unto"
"Grant unto him"
Grant unto man
"Grant unto me"
"Grant unto the children of men"
"Grant unto thee"
Grant unto them
Grant unto the people
Grant unto us
"Grant unto you"
"Grant unto you eternal life"
"Grant unto you your lives"
"Grasp of"
"Grasp of justice"
The grave has no victory
The grave has no victory; death has no sting
"Graven images"
"Gray hairs"
Great abhorrence
"Great abomination"
Great affliction
Great amazement
"Great and abominable church"
"Great and eternal"
"The great and eternal plan of"
Great and last
"Great and last day"
"Great and last sacrifice"
"Great and Marvelous"
"Great and marvelous things"
"Great and marvelous works"
"Great and terrible"
Great anxiety
Great astonishment
"Great blessings"
"Great care"
"Great cause"
"Great city"
Great city destroyed
Great city Jerusalem
"Great condescensions"
"Great contention"
Great contention and disturbance
"Great Creator"
"Great curse"
Great curse upon the land
"Great day"
Great day of the feast
"Great deep"
Great degree
Great desires
"Great destruction"
Great evil
"Greater number"
"The greater part"
"Greater things"
"The greatest number of"
"Greatest of all the gifts of God"
"Great evil"
Great fall
"Great faith"
"Great fear"
"Great feast"
"Great glory"
"Great God"
"Great goodness"
"Great high priest"
"Great hopes"
Great inequality
"Great in mine eyes"
"Great is my joy"
"The Great Jehovah"
"Great joy"
Great judgment
Great king
"Great knowledge"
Great lamentation
"Great light"
"Great loss"
Great love
"Greatly astonished"
Greatly desire
Greatly fear
"Greatly marveled"
Greatly persecuted
"Great man"
"Great mercy"
"Great mourning"
Great mourning and lamentation
Great multitude
"Great mystery"
"The greatness of"
"The greatness of God"
"The greatness of their number"
The greatness of their numbers
Great noise
"Great number"
"Great people"
"Great pestilence"
"Great plainness of speech"
"Great plan"
Great plan of God
"The great plan of redemption"
"Great power"
"Great power given"
Great power unto
"Great privilege"
"Great reason"
"Great rejoicing"
"Great shall be their reward"
Great sins
"Great slaughter"
"Great sorrow"
"Great sorrow and lamentation"
"Great Spirit"
"Great strength"
Great swelling
"Great swelling words"
"Great things"
"Great tower"
"Great trial"
Great tribulations
"Great victory"
"Great waters"
Great were
"Great were their"
Great work
"Great work"
Grieved because of the hardness of hearts
Grieved by afflictions
"Grieveth my soul"
"Grievous to be borne"
Grind the faces of the poor
Grind to powder
Gross hearts
Gross iniquity
Grossly hardened
Ground barren
Grow exceedingly
Grow in the knowledge of God
"Grow together"
Grow trees
"Grow up"
Grow up
"Guard against"
Guards and armies
"Guards of the Lamanites"
"Guards over"
Guards round about
Guards surround
Guards with him
"Guilty of all"
"Gulf of misery" (and wo)
"Had been appointed"
"Had been slain"
"Had been spoken"
"Had been taught"
"Had been taught to believe"
Had been the cause
Had caused
Had come from the land
Had come upon them
"Had done for"
"Had done this"
"Had ever"
Had gotten the victory
"Had happened"
Had happened to the king
"Had heard nothing"
Had I
Had made an end
Had made an end of speaking these words
Had made an end of these
"Had made an end of these sayings"
Had made an end of these words
"Had rather"
"Had said these words"
Had selected
Had sons
"Had supposed that"
"Had taught them"
"Had they been"
Had thus spoken
"Had told"
Hair of heads shall not be lost
Hair of the head
"Half of the kingdom"
"Half so numerous"
Hand down
Hand down from generation to generation
"Handed down"
"Handed down by"
"Handed down from"
Handed down from one generation to another
"Hand of God"
Hand of my
Hands and feet
Hands of brethren
Hands of enemies
"Hands of God"
"Hand of Nephi"
Hand of the father
"The hand of the Lord"
"Hands of Laban"
Hands of the king
"Hands of the Lamanites"
Hands of the Nephites
"Hand(s) of the wicked"
Hands toward heaven
Hands upon
Hand touched
Hand unto
Hang down heads
Happened to/unto
Happened unto them
Happiness and misery
"Hard bondage"
Harden against the word
Hardened against the word
Hardened and stiffened
Hardened, lost and fallen
Hardened so that
Harden hearts in unbelief
Harden not their hearts
Harden their hearts
Harden their hearts against
Harden their hearts against the word
Hard heart
Hard hearts and stiff necks
"The hardness of the hearts of the people"
"Hard things"
"Harrow up"
Harrow up by the memory of my sins
Harrow up desire
Harrow up souls/minds
Harvest is ripe
"Has caused that"
Has commanded
Has proved
"Haste thee"
"Hast hitherto"
"Hast thou seen"
Hast utterly rejected
"Hath chosen"
"Hath given"
"Hath given me"
"Hath given us"
"Hath the Lord"
Hath told me
"Hatred against"
"Hatred against us"
Hatred to/against sin
"Hatred towards"
Have abundance
Have a king
Have a knowledge
Have all gone astray
Have always
Have authority
Have become
Have been
Have been born of God
"Have been commanded"
Have been consecrated
"Have been delivered"
Have been destroyed
"Have been destroyed"
"Have been fulfilled"
Have been given
Have been given unto
Have been instruments in the hands of God
Have been lost
Have been received
Have been revealed
Have been speaking
"Have been taught"
Have been teaching
Have cause to
Have cause to mourn
Have committed
Have compassion
Have done
Have done all
Have done all this
Have done this
Have established
"Have eternal life"
Have evidence
"Have faith"
Have forgiven
"Have forgotten"
Have forsaken
Have given
Have gotten
Have granted
Have great
"Have had"
Have had great
Have hitherto been
Have hope
Have I
"Have I cursed"
Have joy
Have many
Have many afflictions
"Have mercy"
"Have mercy on me"
Have mercy on us
Have mercy upon me
Have much business
Have much
Have much success
Have named
Have never
Have no
"Have no king"
Have no more
Have no more possession
Have no place
Have no place in you
Have no power
Have no root
"Have not power"
"Have not received"
Have not said
Have not sinned
"Have not sought"
"Have not taught"
"Have obtained a land of promise"
Have part in the first resurrection
Have patience
Have patience and bear with afflictions
"Have peace"
Have place
"Have place"
Have power
Have reason
Have received
Have redeemed
Have refused
"Have rejected"
Have reward
Have right
Have seen
Have so much
"Have sought"
Have spoken
Have spoken. Amen.
Have spoken it
Have strength
Have subjected
Have success
"Have sufficient"
Have supposed
Have tasted
"Have taught you"
Have the image
Have the spirit
Have the spirit of prophecy
Have the testimony
Have to say
Have upon me
Have utterance
Have uttered
Have utterly
Have utterly destroyed
Have water
Have we
Have we not
Have we not reason to rejoice
Have we to
Have ye done
"Have ye forgotten"
"Have ye received"
"Have ye taught this people"
"Have you sufficiently retained in remembrance"
"Having been"
"Having been commanded of"
Having been converted to the Lord
Having been taught in the language of
"Having been visited"
Having been wrought upon by the Spirit/power of God
"Having discovered"
Having dwelt in all his days
"Having gone"
"Having had"
"Having had a knowledge"
"Having heard"
Having made known
Having many
"Having received"
"Having seen"
"Having subjected"
"Having suffered"
"Having with them"
Having your garments
"The head of the river"
"The head of the river Sidon"
Heads shaven
"Healing in his wings"
"He also, himself"
"He also knowing"
He also said
Heal them
Heal the nations
Heal the sick
He and his
"He and his brethren"
Heaped on heads
Heaps of earth
Heaps upon the face of the earth
Heap up
Heap upon
Heap up on the earth
Hear and answer prayers
"Hear and know"
"Hear and understand"
Hear cries
"Heard among"
Heard and seen
"Heard by"
"Heard my prayer"
Heard of men
Heard of thee
"Heard that I"
"Heard these things"
"Heard these words"
Heard throughout the land
Hear from
"Hear his voice"
"Hearken diligently"
"Hearken unto"
"Hearken unto his voice"
"Hearken unto me"
"Hearken unto me, saith the Lord (your God)"
"Hearken unto my words"
"Hearken unto the commandments of the Lord"
Hearken unto the voice
Hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd
Hearken unto the voice of the Lord
"Hearken unto the words"
"Hearken unto the words of the Lord"
Hearken unto words
"Hear me"
Hear my cry
Hear my prayer
Hear my voice
"Hear my words"
Hear no more
Hear of the fame
He arose/rose
Hear prayers
Heart began to
Heart began to rejoice
Heart delight
Heart fat
Heart filled
Heart grieved
Hear that
"Hear their cries"
Hear the voice
Hear the voice of God
Hear the voice of the Lord
Hear the word
Hear the word of God
"Hear the words"
Hear the words, believe
"Heart is pained"
Heart, might, mind and strength
The heart of the righteous
"Hearts against"
Heart shall melt
Heart sick
Hearts knit together in love
Hearts lifted up
Hearts of
Hearts of brethren
"The hearts of many"
Hearts of men
Hearts of the children
"Hearts of the children of men"
Hearts of the children turn to fathers
"The hearts of the Lamanites"
Hearts of the people
"Heart sorrows"
Hearts set upon
Hearts set upon gold and silver
Hearts swollen
Hearts swollen within them
Hearts swollen with joy
Hearts took courage
Hearts understand
Heart was exceedingly sorrowful
Hearts waxed hard
Hear voice
"Hear ye now"
Heaven and earth
Heaven earth and seas
"Heavenly Father"
"Heavens above"
"Heavens open"
Heaven throne
"Heavy burdens"
He beheld that
He being
He being a
He being a ______ man
"He being one of the"
"He called their names"
"He caused a tower to be" erected/built
He caused that
"He commanded me"
"He commanded you"
"He created all things, both in heaven and in earth"
He desired
Hedge up the way
"He did also"
"He did exclaim"
"He did teach them many things"
"He doth visit"
"He doth work"
Heed and diligence
"Heed and diligence which they gave unto"
He exhort
"He fell"
He flattered them
He had also
"He had slain"
"He has all power"
He has also
He has no
He hath a devil
"He hath done"
He hath done his work
He hath said
He hearkened
"He himself"
He immediately
Heirs of the kingdom of God
"He is a liar"
He is dead
He is merciful
"He is mightier"
"He knowing that"
Helaman, Shiblon and Corianton
He lies unto us
"Hell fire"
"The help of"
"The help of these"
Hem in
Henceforth and forever
Henceforth and forever. Amen.
"He or she"
He ought to
"Here am I"/"Here I am"
"Here is wisdom"
He repented
He rewardeth
"Her father"
"Her mistress"
"Her name"
Her own
Her servants
He said
He said unto
He said unto him
He said unto me
He said unto them
(He) "Said unto his servant"
"He said, Yea"
"He saw God"
"He shall bless thee"
He shall bring
He shall die
"He shall go forth"
He shall "judge the poor" (with righteousness)
He shall not
He shall rise again
"He shall rise the third day"
He shall save his people
"He shall see his seed"
He shall sit upon my throne
"He shall (surely/not) die"
"He should fall"
"He should rise "
He spake unto
"He spake unto me"
"He spake unto us"
He stands
"He stinketh"
He strengthened
"He termed to be"
He that believeth
He that delivered
He that knoweth
He that murdered was punished unto death
"He that prophesieth"
He that repents
He that shall come
"He that supposeth that"
He that will
He the father
"He to whom"
He was a descendant of
He was also
He was dead
"He was desirous"
"He was not dead"
"He will cast thy brethren out of prison"
"He will destroy"
"He will not slay"
He will raise up
"He will remember"
"He will say unto me"
He will still
"He will still deliver"
"Hew(n) down"
Hewn down and cast into the fire
"Hewn stones"
"He would also"
"Hidden things"
Hide away
Hide from
Hide from his presence
Hide himself
Hide in the dust
Hide (not) thy face
Hide themselves
Hide wickedness and abominations from before thy face
"Hid up"
"Hid up unto the Lord"
"High above"
"High and lifted up"
"Higher judges"
"The High God"
"High in the heavens"
"High looks"
"Highly favored"
Highly favored of the Lord
"Highly favored people of the Lord"
"High mountain"
"High ones"
High priest after the order
High priest and chief judge
High priesthood
"High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek"
The high priesthood of the holy order of God
High priesthood of the order of God
"High priest over"
High priest over the church
High priest over the people
"High priests"
High priests forever
High throne
"High tower"
Hills tremble
Hilt of sword
"Him of whom"
"Him or her"
"Him, saying"
Him to his father
Him unto the Lord
Him when
Him who
"Him who created all"
"Him who created you"
"Him who hath"
Him whom
"Him will I"
His angels
His brethren
His charge
His children
"His coming"
"His days"
"His father"
"His glory shall be"
"His heart was swollen within him"
His/her name was/is
His holy
His holy angel
"His holy name"
"His long-suffering towards the children of men"
His mother called Mary
"His name"
"His name was"
His own
"His own house"
"His own land"
"His own people"
"His people"
His people from their sins
His praise
His rest shall be glorious
Hiss forth
"His sheep"
Hiss unto the end of the earth
His time
"His wife and his sons and his daughters"
His wives and his concubines and also his priests
"Hither and thither"
"Hitherto been"
Hold a council
"Hold fast"
Hold guiltless
Holding forth
"Hold out"
"Hold out faithful to the end"
Hold upon
"Holes of the rocks"
"Holiness of heart"
"Holiness to the Lord"
Holy angels
"Holy arm"
"Holy calling"
Holy child/children
"The Holy City"
Holy commandments
"Holy Ghost"
"Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance"
"Holy God"
"Holy habitation"
"Holy, holy, (holy)"
"Holy land"
"Holy man/men"
"Holy mountain"
"Holy name"
"Holy One"
"Holy One of Israel"
"Holy One of Jacob"
Holy ones
Holy ones of God
"Holy Order"
"Holy order of God"
Holy order of priesthood
"Holy people"
"Holy prophets"
Holy Sabbath
"Holy sanctuary"
"Holy scriptures"
"Holy seed"
"Holy Spirit"
"The Holy Spirit of God"
"Holy Spirit of Promise"
"The holy stand"
"Holy temple"
Holy work
"Honorable man"
"Honor thy father and thy mother"
Hope and charity
"Hope for"
Hope for things which are not seen
"Hope in Christ"
"Hope of (his) glory"
"Hope of Israel"
"The hope which"
"Horn of salvation"
"Horrible scene"
Horses and chariots
Hosts of men
"Hot displeasure"
The hour is at hand
"House of David"
"The house of his father"
"House of"
"House of Ishmael"
"House of Israel"
"House of Jacob"
"House of Laban"
"The house of the king"
House of worship
"Houses and lands"
Houses and lands
Houses and streets
Houses and synagogues
Houses and temples
"Houses of worship"
Houses, synagogues and streets
Houses, temples, synagogues and sanctuaries
Houses, wives and children
House to house
"How beautiful"
beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good
tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that
publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
"How can we"
"How can ye"
How do
How do ye
How God
"How great"
"How great reason"
"How great shall be"
"How great things"
How great things the Lord had done for their fathers
"How is it"
"How is it possible"
"How knowest thou"
How knoweth man
How knoweth
Howl and wail
"How long"
"How long, O Lord"
How long shall
How long will you suffer
"How many"
"How many of our brethren"
"How many thousands"
"How many times"
"How merciful"
"How merciful is our God"
"How much better"
"How much more"
How shall
How shall we
How should
"How soon"
"How that"
"How they should"
"How to succor"
"How/what great things" (the Lord had done for them)
"How ye ought to"
Humble and penitent
"Humble followers"
"Humble followers of God"
Humble, full of love
Humble, meek
Humble selves and worship God
Humble selves even to the dust
"Humble servant"
"Humble themselves"
Humble themselves
Humble themselves even in the depths of humility
Humble to the dust
"Humble yourselves"
"Humbleth himself"
Humble yourselves before
Humble yourselves before God
Humble yourselves before him
Humble yourselves before me
Humble yourselves before the Lord
"Hundredth part"
"Hunger and thirst"
Hunger and thirst
Hunger food
Hunger not, neither thirst
Hunger, thirst and fatigue
Hungry and naked
Hungry soul
Hunt beasts
Husbands and wives
Husbands, wives, sons and daughters
I after
"I, Alma"
I also
I also command
"I also know"
"I also thank my God"
I always
"I am"
"I am able to do mine own work"
"I am about to"
"I am a Lamanite"
I am also
I am a man
I am commanded
"I am desirous"
"I am God"
I am he
"I am he that"
I am in
"I am (Jesus) Christ"
"I am like"
I am not
"I am nothing"
"I am old"
"I am sent"
"I am the Lord"
"I am the Lord God"
"I am the Lord their God"
"I am the Lord thy God"
"I am the Lord your God"
"I am the son of"
I am thy servant
I am weak
"I am yet alive"
"I and my"
"I and my brethren"
"I and my father"
"I and my people"
I answer for
I ask
"I ask of you"
I ask of you, my brethren
I ask you
I beheld
"I beheld his"
"I believe"
I believe all the words
"I beseech"
"I beseech of"
"I beseech of you"
I boast
"I came to"
I came unto my own and my own received me not
"I can"
"I can do all things"
I cannot
"I cannot read"
I cannot say
"I cannot speak"
I can tell
"I can tell you"
I command
"I command all men"
"I command you"
"I (will) confess"
"I could"
"I could not"
I could (not) speak
"I desire"
"I desire that"
"I desire that ye"
"I desire that ye should"
"I desire that ye should consider"
"I desire that ye should remember"
"I did"
I did exhort
I did exhort my brethren
I did not
Idle in days
I do
I do know
I do know that
Idolatry and filthiness
Idolatry and whoredoms
I do not
I do not glory of myself
"I do not joy"
"I do not know"
"I do not mean"
"I do not say"
I do not write
"I durst not"
"I, Enos"
"I, even I"
I exhort
I exhort you
I exhort you, my brethren
If a man
If a man desire
If a man murdered
If did not believe
If do not remember
I feel
I fell to the earth
If had not
"If he can, he will destroy"
If he, he was also punished
If he say
"If he should"
"If he would"
"If I had"
If I had not
"If I had not been born of God I should not have known these things"
"I finish my message"
"If I should"
If it
If it be
"If I tell"
"If it had"
If it had been
"If it had been possible"
"If it had not been"
"If it had not been for"
"If it so be"
"If it so be that I am saved"
"If it were"
"If it were known"
"If it were not"
"If it were not for"
"If it were not so"
"If it were possible"
"If now"
"If now I have found" grace in thy sight
I forgive also
"I found that"
"If our"
"If perhaps"
If so
If suppose
If the Lord
"If there"
"If there is"
"If there should be"
If they are
"If they be"
"If they be evil"
If they be good, to the resurrection of life; and if they be evil, to the resurrection of damnation
If they believe
"If they did not"
"If they did not repent"
If they give
If they know not the name by which they are called
If they murder
If they repent not
"If they shall say"
"If they should"
If they will not
"If they/ye will (not) repent"
If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light
"If this be"
"If this be the case"
If this
"If this is"
If this is the case
"If this people"
If thou
"If thou art"
If thou desirest
"If thou shalt"
"If thou shouldst"
"If thou wilt"
"If thou wilt be"
"If thou wilt of thyself"
"If thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy the church of God"
If thou wilt show a sign
"If thou wilt tell"
"If we"
If we could
If we do not
"If we had"
"If we had not"
"If we should"
If ye
"If ye are not"
"If ye can"
If ye could
If ye could always have just men to be your kings
"If ye do"
"If ye do not"
"If ye do this"
If ye do this, ye will in nowise be cast out
"If ye go"
"If ye had known me"
If ye have
If ye have not charity, ye are nothing
If ye nourish
"If ye persist"
"If ye turn away"
If ye will
If ye will not hearken
"If ye will not repent"
"If ye will repent"
If you
"If you will"
"I give commandment"
"I give not"
I glory in
I go
"I go that I may"
I had
"I had been blessed of the Lord"
"I had ever seen"
I had not
"I had rather"
"I had slain"
I have (1)
I have (2)
I have all
"I have also"
I have always remembered their captivity
I have been
I have been called
"I have been commanded"
"I have caused"
"I have come"
"I have done these things"
"I have done this thing"
"I have found"
"I have given unto you"
I have labored
"I have made"
I have never
I have not
"I have not commanded"
"I have performed"
"I have power"
"I have reason"
"I have said"
"I have said these things unto you"
"I have said unto"
"I have said unto them"
"I have said unto you"
I have seen
I have seen my Redeemer
I have somewhat to say
"I have somewhat to say concerning"
"I have spoken"
I have spoken these words
I have spoken unto
I have spoken unto you
I have taught
"I have written"
I have written what I have written
I heard
I heard words
"I, Jacob"
"I, Jarom"
"I know"
I know if
"I know not"
"I know of"
"I know of myself"
"I know that"
I know that Christ shall come
I know that he will
I know that I
"I know that I am"
I know that these things
"I know that thou art"
I know that thou believest
I know that ye
I know there is
I know these things
I know these things myself
"I know you not"
"I lie not"
Image in your countenance
"Image of God"
Imaginations of his heart
"Imagine to yourselves"
"I make an end" (of my sayings)
"I may"
I may be
"I may see"
"I mean"
"I might"
"Immediately sent"
Immediately shall
Immortal soul
Immortal state
"I, Mormon"
"I, Moroni"
Impart of substance
Impart their substance to the poor and the needy
Impart the word of God
Impart unto
Impart word
Impossible ignorance
"I must"
"I must do"
"I must speak"
"I, myself"
"In a body"
In abundance
In a cloud
"In a dream"
In afflictions
In a land of many waters
In all
"In all cases"
"In all diligence"
"In all his works"
In all manner
In all mine/my
"In all my days"
"In all places"
In all the
In all the borders round about
"In all the land"
"In all the land round about"
"In all these things"
"In all things"
In all work
"In all your"
In a manner
"In a manner that"
"In a manner which"
"In and through"
In anger
In arms
In a sepulchre
"Inasmuch as"
"Inasmuch as ye shall"
Inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments, ye shall prosper in the land
Inasmuch as ye will not keep my (the) commandments (of God), ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord/ye shall not prosper in the land
"In a state of"
In a state of awful wickedness
"In a strange land"
In at
In a time
"In a time to come"
"In a valley"
"In a vision"
"In behalf of"
In behalf of the people
"In bondage"
In captivity
"In Christ"
In Christ unto
"The incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers"
Incorrect traditions
Increase faith
"Increase in riches"
Increase of flocks
Increase seed
Incur the displeasure/vengeance of (a just) God
"In darkness"
"In disguise"
"Indulge themselves"
"I, Nephi"
Inequality among the people
Inequality in the land
I never
"I never knew"
In every
In every city
"In every land"
"In every synagogue"
In faith
"In faith, believing that ye shall receive"
Infant die
In favor
Infested by wild beasts
"In Fine" (In conclusion)
"An infinite atonement"
Infinite and eternal
Infinite and eternal sacrifice
"Infinite goodness"
"In force"
In full
In glory
In God
In goodness
In great
"In great abundance"
In great mercy
"Inhabitant of Zion"
"Inhabitants of Jerusalem"
"Inhabitants of Samaria"
"Inhabitants of the earth"
"The inhabitants of the land"
"Inhabitants thereof"
"Inhabited the land"
In hands
"In heaps"
In hearts
Inherit land
"Inherit the earth"
"Inherit the kingdom"
"Inherit the kingdom of God"
"Inherit the kingdom of heaven"
"Inherit the land"
In his anger
In his days
"In his death"
"In his glory"
"In his great"
"In his great mercy"
"In his might"
"In his name"
"In his name"/"On his name"
"In his own kingdom"
"In his power"
"In his stead"
In his strength
In house
In ignorance
Iniquities and abominations
Iniquities and traditions
Iniquities and transgressions
Iniquities of their fathers
Iniquities of the people
"Iniquity among"
Iniquity among people
In it
In it I
In journeyings
In keeping the commandments
"In like manner"
In manner as
In many
"In many instances"
In meeting
"In mercy"
In might
In mind
"In mind"
In mine
In mine anger
"In mine ears"
In my
"In my day(s)"
In my desire
In my God
In my hands
"In my heart"
"In my name"
In my prayer/s
Inner part
"In no case"
"Innocent blood"
Innocent blood
"In number"
"In number about"
"In one day"
"In one year"
"In order"
"In order to"
"In order to defend"
"In other words"
"In our land"
In paths
"In peace"
In prayer
In pride
In prison
In prison many days
In purity
"In pursuit of"
"Inquire concerning"
Inquire diligently
"Inquired of me"
"Inquire of"
Inquire of the Lord
Inquire of the Lord, and if he say unto us go
"In ranks"
"In rebellion"
"In rebellion against"
In relation to
"In remembrance"
In search of
"In sincerity of heart"
In sins
"Insomuch that"
"Insomuch that many"
"Insomuch that they"
In spirit
Instant, suddenly
Instrument in the hands
"Instrument in the hands of God"
"In subjection"
In synagogues
Intent of
Intents of the heart
Intent to destroy
"Intercession for"
"Interpretation thereof"
Interpret engravings
Interpreters prepared
Interpreting languages
In that
"In that day"
"In that land"
In that part
"In that part of the land"
In that selfsame
In that thing
In the act
"In the arms"
"In the attitude of"
In the attitude
"In the beginning"
"In the body"
"In the church"
"In the commencement of [this] year"
In the commencement of the year of the reign of
In the commencement of the year of the reign of the judges
"In the commencement of the [this] year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi"
"In the day"
"In the days of"
"In the daytime"
In thee
In the earth
In thee is
"In thee is my"
"In the end"
"In the eyes of"
"In the eyes of some"
"In the faith"
"In the fear of God"
"In the fear of the Lord"
"In the first place"
"In the first year"
"In the flesh"
"In the forests"
"In the fruit of"
In the fruit of labors
In the hands
In the hands of God
In the hands of the Lord
In the hearts
In the hearts of the
In the hour
In their
In their afflictions
"In their arms"
In their hearts
"In the judgment-seat"
In their foreheads
In their journeying
In their wickedness
In the latter end of the year
"In their midst"
"In their own eyes"
In their own names
In their place
"In the joy of"
"In the midst of thy"
"In the midst of thy congregations"
In the most
In the place
"In the place of"
In their power
"In the kingdom of God"
"In the presence of"
"In the presence of God"
"In the service of the king"
In their sins
In the spirit
"In their synagogues"
"In their tents"
"In their works"
"In the kingdom of heaven"
"In the land"
"In the land of"
"In the land of Ammonihah"
In the land of Canaan
"In the land of Edom"
"In the land of Egypt"
"In the land of Gilead"
"In the land of Goshen"
"In the land of Hamath"
"In the land of Helam"
"In the land of Ishmael"
"In the land of Israel"
"In the land of Jershon"
"In the land of Jerusalem"
"In the land of Judah"
"In the land of Kirtland"
"In the land of Middoni"
"In the land of Moab"
"In the land of Missouri"
In the land of Nephi
"In the land of promise"
"In the land of Shilom"
"In the land of Sidom"
In the land of the Chaldeans
"In the land of their enemies"
"In the land of the living"
"In the land of Ur"
"In the land of Zarahemla"
"In the land of Zion"
"In the land northward"
In the language
"In the language"
"In the law"
"In the like manner"
"In the Lord"
"In the midst"
"In the midst of thee"
"In the midst of the earth"
"In the midst of the land"
"In the midst thereof"
In the month
"In the morning"
"In the mount"
"In the name of"
In the name of
In the name of God
"In the name of Jesus Christ"
In the name of the Son
"In the night-time"
"In the nurture and admonition of the Lord"
"In the paths"
"In the place"
In these/on those things
"In the service of"
"In the service of God"
"In the sight of"
"In the sight of God"
"In the sight of the Lord"
In the Son
In the Son of God
(In the space of) "not many years"
"In the stead"
"In the stead of his father"
"In the stead thereof"
In the streets
"In the strength of"
In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things
"In the thought"
In the valley
"In the very"
"In the very act "
"In the very hour"
"In the very moment"
"In the water"
In the which
"In the whole"
"In the wilderness"
"In the world"
In the year
"In thine anger"
In this
"In this book"
"In this generation"
In this land
"In this life"
"In this thing"
"In this work"
In thy heart
In thy seed shall all the nations/families/kindreds of the earth be blessed
"In thy youth"
In to
"Into bondage"
"Into captivity"
Into everlasting
"Into his house"
"Into iniquity"
Into light
"Into prison"
Into soul
"Into the borders"
"Into the borders of the land"
"Into the camp"
Into the church
"Into the city"
"Into the fire"
"Into the fold of God"
"Into the hands of"
"Into the hands of my son"
Into the heart
Into the house
Into their land
"Into the land"
"Into the land of Jershon"
Into the mountains
Into the presence
"Into the promised land"
"Into the water"
"Into the wilderness"
"Into the world"
"Into thy house"
"In truth"
"In twain"
"In unto"
"In unto the house"
"In unto the king"
In us
"In vain"
In very
In very day
"In very deed"
"In what manner"
"In whatsoever"
"In whatsoever circumstances"
"In whatsoever place"
In whatsoever place they should be in
In whatsoever place they should enter
In which
In which he might
In whom
In wisdom
"In wisdom's paths"
In wrath
In wrath, remember mercy
In you
In your
In your afflictions
"In your eyes"
"In your fields"
"In your flesh"
In your heart
In your houses
In your minds
"In your synagogues"
I obeyed
I obeyed the voice
"I of myself"
I ought to
"I perceive"
I pray that
"I pray thee"
"I pray you"
I remember
"I require"
Iron and copper
Iron and steel
Is a
"Is a friend"
"Isaiah, the son of Amoz"
I said I
I said in my heart
"I said unto you"
Is/are in Christ
"Is as a"
"Is at hand"
I say
"I say also"
I say that ye do not know
"I say unto"
"I say unto him"
I say unto thee
"I say unto them"
"I say unto you"
"I say unto you again"
"I say unto you as I have said before"
I say unto you, Go
"I say unto you, my son"
"I say unto you, Nay"
"I say unto you, Yea"
I say that
Is because
Is because of
Is because they
Is called
"Is carried" (away)
Is given us
Is God
Is God that
"Is half of a"
"I shall"
"I shall be"
"I shall die"
I shall forbear
"I shall give"
"I shall make"
Is holy
"I should"
I should be
"I should be destroyed"
I should do
"I should give unto you"
"I should lose"
"I should not be"
"I should not have known"
"I should say"
"I should speak"
"I should speak unto you"
Is in
Is in us
Is in your
Is/Is not equal
Is it
Is it because
"Is it not because"
"Isles of the sea"
"Isles shall wait"
"Is like unto"
"Is my joy"
Is not all
Is not of
Is not this
Is of
Is of God
"I speak by way of"
"I speak the truth"
I stand
I stand upon
Is the cause
"Is the day"
Is there among you
"Is there one among you"
Is this man
"Is to come"
I surely do
I surely know
I swear
"I swear unto you"
Is whether
"Is your knowledge perfect?"
"It be"
It became expedient
It being
"It being a"
"It being the"
"It be through"
"It came to pass that after"
"It came to pass that when"
"It came to pass that when Jesus"
"It came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words"
It came to pass when
It came to pass when they had heard
It did
I tell you these things
I tell you the truth
"I testify"
I testify of myself
I testify unto you
"It grieveth me"
"It grieveth me that I should lose this tree"
I thank
I thank my God
It has been
It has been spoken
It is
"It is a light thing"
"It is because"
It is because of
"It is better"
"It is better that"
"It is by"
"It is by faith"
"It is by grace"
It is by power
"It is enough"
"It is expedient"
"It is expedient that"
"It is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice"
"It is given"
It is given unto them to
It is good
It is he that
"It is I"
"It is impossible"
It is light
"It is necessary"
It is not expedient
"It is not expedient that you should have a king"
"It is (not) good"
"It is not written"
"It is that same"
It is the first time
It is their privilege
"It is thou"
It is/was only
"It is well"
"It is written"
"It mattereth not"
It must be
"It must needs be"
"It must needs be expedient that"
It not so
I trust
"I trust that"
It shall be
It shall be according
It shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life
"It shall be done" (unto you)
"It shall be expedient"
It shall be given
"It shall be revealed"
It shall be to
It shall be unto him
It shall be unto thee
"It shall come to pass"
"It shall not stand"
"It sufficeth me to say"
"It supposeth me"
It unto thee/you
It was accounted unto Abraham for righteousness
"It was called"
"It was expedient"
It was expedient that they should keep the law of Moses as yet
It was for
"It was for the space of"
"It was good"
It was great
"It was in"
It was in vain
"It was meet"
"It was not meet"
It was possible
It was they
"It were better"
"It were not possible"
It will be
It will become
"It would have been better"
I verily
I verily believe
"I was"
"I was an hungered"
I was racked with torment
I went about
"I went again"
"I went forth"
"I went on"
"I, whom ye call your king"
I will (1)
I will (2)
"I will be"
I will believe
I will believe thy words
"I will be merciful"
"I will be thy servant"
"I will be with thee"
I will be your God and ye shall be my people
"I will be your king"
"I will bless thee"
"I will cause"
"I will come down"
"I will confess"
"I will cry"
I will cry unto God
I will cry unto thee
"I will deliver"
"I will endeavor"
"I will establish"
I will give thanks
I will give unto
I will give unto thee
I will go
I will go and
"I will go with thee"
"I will grant"
I will grant unto you
I will no more
"I will not"
"I will not believe"
I will not recall the words
"I will not suffer"
I will not turn away
"I will praise thee"
"I will preserve"
"I will preserve them"
"I will proceed"
"I will receive"
"I will receive you"
"I will rejoice"
"I will repay"
"I will repent"
I will return
"I will shake the heavens"
"I will show"
"I will show unto"
"I will show unto you"
"I will slay"
"I will smite"
"I will smite thee"
I will spare
"I will suffer"
"I will testify"
"I will visit"
I will visit them in my anger
I withstood
I would
"I would ask"
"I would ask if"
"I would ask of you"
"I would call your attention"
"I would desire"
"I would exhort you"
"I would give"
"I would not"
"I would not hear"
I would not know
I would not that ye think that I know of myself
"I would speak"
"I would speak somewhat"
"I would speak somewhat concerning"
"I would speak unto you"
"I would that"
"I would that ye"
"I would that ye should"
"I would that ye should be"
"I would that ye should consider"
"I would that ye should do"
"I would that ye should know"
"I would that ye should remember"
"I would that ye should understand"
"I would that ye would"
"Jealous God"
"Jerusalem must be destroyed"
"Jesus Christ"
Jesus Christ, Redeemer
Jesus Christ shall come
Jesus Christ--the first and the last
"Jesus Christ, their Redeemer"
Jesus Christ, the Son of God
"Jesus Christ, the Son of God"
"Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and of earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning"
"Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God"
"Jesus is the Christ"
"Jesus, thou Son of God"
Jew and Gentile
Jews and Jerusalem
Jews at Jerusalem
Join in
"Joining the borders"
Join the church
Join them
Join themselves
Join the people
"Joseph Smith"
Jot and tittle (should not pass from the law, but all should be fulfilled)
"Journey for a Nephite, on the line"
Journeyings and sufferings
"Journeyings in the wilderness"
"Journeying thither"
Journey in the wilderness
"Journey into the wilderness"
Journey many days
Journey towards
Journey towards the land
Joy and
Joy and gladness
"Joy and gladness"
Joy and light
Joy and salvation
Joy and thanksgiving
"Joy because"
"Joy because of"
"Joy cometh"
Joy in hearts
"Joy in the fruit"
Joy is
Joy is full
"The joy of"
"Joy over"
Joy was vain
"Joy unspeakable and full of glory"
Judah and Jerusalem
Judge according to
Judge according to their crimes
Judge according to the law
Judge according to works
Judge and govern
Judged at the last day
Judged me
Judged of/according to their works
"Judged of God"
"Judged of him"
Judge not
Judge of quick and dead
Judge received wages
Judge righteous
Judge righteous judgments
Judges, lawyers and teachers
The judge smote them again on their cheeks
Judges of the land
Judge stood
Judge the man
Judge the people
"Judge the world"
Judge those
"Judge ye"
Judgment and justice
(Judgment) Bar of God
"Judgment Day"/"Day of Judgment"/"Judgment of the Great Day"
Judgment and vengeance is mine and I will repay
Judgment and wrath
"Judgment is just"
Judgments and commandments
Judgments and statutes
Judgments are just
"Judgment seat"
"Judgment seat of Christ"
"Judgments of God"
Judgments of God come upon
Judgments, Statutes, and Commandments
Just and holy
Just and holy men
"Just and true"
Just and unjust
Justice upon us
"Just in"
"Just in all"
Just judgment
Just laws
"Just man"
"Just men made perfect"
"Justice of God"
Justice of God
"Keep all these"
Keep all these things
Keep and preserve
Keep a record of the people
Keep commandments and judgments
Keep commandments and statutes
Keep commandments, judgments and statutes
Keep down
Keep from
Keep guards
Keep holy
"Keep it holy"
Keep judgments and statutes
"Keep my commandments"
"Keep (my/the/his) commandments"
Keep records
Keep selves
Keep the commandments and statutes according to the law of Moses
"Keep the commandments of God"
"Keep the commandments of the Lord"
Keep the judgments
"Keep the law"
"Keep the law of Moses"
Keep them in ignorance
"Keep the peace"
Keep the records
Keep the Sabbath holy
Keep the statutes
Keep unspotted from the world
Kept and handed down from one generation to another
"Kept and preserved"
Kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord
Kept in prison
"Kept it upon the plates of Nephi"
Kept upon plates
Killed the prophets
Kindred and friends
"Kindreds of the earth"
King and God
King and priests
King and queen
The king answered
"King Benjamin"
King caused
The king commanded
King commanded servants
King consulted
King desired
The king died
The kingdom is nigh at hand
Kingdom of Christ
"The kingdom of God"
"Kingdom of heaven"
"The kingdom of heaven is at hand"
"The kingdom of the devil"
The king hearkened
The king himself
"The king his father"
"The king inquired of"
"King Laman"
"King Lamoni"
"King Limhi"
"King Mosiah"
"King Noah"
"King of"
"The king of all the earth"
"King of Babylon"
"The king of heaven"
"King of Judah"
"The king of the Lamanites"
The king of the land
The king of the people who are in the land of
King over
King over all
"King over all the land"
"King over the land"
"King over the people"
"King over you"
King palace
King, queen and servants
King rejoiced
The king said
The king said unto
"The king said unto them"
Kings and rulers
"The king's army"
The king saw
"The king saw that"
"The king's captain"
King's countenance
The king sent a proclamation
"The king's guard"
"Kings of the nations"
"King's palace"
Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers
"The king stood forth"
Kings to rule over
King which
The king will slay us
Kneel down
Knew that it was
"Knew that it was the power of God"
"Knit together"
Knock and open
Know according to
Know all
Know all things
Know also
Know among
Know any
Know anything
Know because
Know beforehand
"Know concerning"
Know concerning these things
"Knowest thou"
Know even
Know even as
Know good and evil
Know good from evil
"Know him"
"Know him not"
"Know how"
"Knowing that"
Knowledge and power
Knowledge and understanding
"Knowledge of"
"Knowledge of a Savior"
"Knowledge of God"
Knowledge of that
"Knowledge of that which is just and true"
"Knowledge of the"
"Knowledge of the glory of"
"Knowledge of the goodness of God"
"Knowledge of their fathers"
"Knowledge of their Redeemer"
"Knowledge of the Lord"
"Knowledge of the truth"
Knowledge of things
"Knowledge of this"
Knowledge of truth
Knowledge unto salvation of souls
"Knowledge which I have"
Know me
Know more
Know much
Know mysteries
Know mysteries of God
Know not
"Know not God"
"Know nothing"
"Know nothing concerning"
Know not that
Know not what
Know not whither
Know now
Know that these things
"Know that these things are true"
Known unto
Known unto me
"Known unto you"
Know of
"Know of a/their surety"
Know of plans
Know of the
"Know of the mysteries"
"Know of things"
Know of things to come
Know of wickedness
"Know righteousness"
Know that
Know that I am God
"Know that I am the Lord"
"Know that there shall be a Christ"
Know that whosoever
"Know the cause"
Know the commandments
Know the covenants
Know thee
Know their designs
Know the judgments of God
Know the plan
Know these
Know these things
Know the things
Know the thoughts
"Know the truth"
Know the ways of the Lord
Know the will
Know the will of God
Know the word
Know things
Know this
Know thoughts
Know thou that
"Know ye not"
Know ye not that I have power to
Thursday, July 30, 2015
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