Saturday, November 9, 2013

Faith and miracles

  1.   8 And Stephen, full of faith and apower, did great wonders and bmiracles among the people.
  2.   5 He therefore that aministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
  3.   13 And that he amanifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the bHoly Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty cmiracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their dfaith.
  4.   23 For behold, I am God; and I am a God of amiracles; and I will show unto the bworld that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I cwork not among the children of men save it be daccording to their faith.
  5.   18 Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings.
  6.   40 And it did work for them according to their afaith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe that God could cause that those spindles should point the way they should go, behold, it was done; therefore they had this miracle, and also many other miracles wrought by the power of God, day by day.
      41 Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by asmall means it did show unto them marvelous works. They were bslothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey;
  7.   26 And now, their apreservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous bpower of God, because of their exceeding cfaith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.
  8.   35 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of praying he came again to the disciples, and said unto them: aSo great bfaith have I never seen among all the Jews; wherefore I could not show unto them so great cmiracles, because of their dunbelief.
  9.   12 For if there be no afaith among the children of men God can do no bmiracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.
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      15 Behold, it was the faith of aAmmon and his brethren which bwrought so great a miracle among the Lamanites.
      16 Yea, and even all they who wrought amiracles wrought them by bfaith, even those who were before Christ and also those who were after.
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      18 And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God.
  10.   37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that amiracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of bunbelief, and all is vain.

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