Saturday, February 21, 2015

"I have come"

  1.   3 And behold, I have come having great hopes and much desire that I should find that ye had humbled yourselves before God, and that ye had continued in the supplicating of his grace, that I should find that ye were blameless before him, that I should find that ye were not in the awful adilemma that our brethren were in at Zarahemla.
  2.   21 Behold, I have come unto the world to bring aredemption unto the world, to save the world from sin.
  3.   5 Behold, aI am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel; therefore, the law in me is fulfilled, for I have come to bfulfil the law; therefore it hath an end.
  4.   17 And this because they have turned their ahearts away from me, to worship the god of Elkenah, and the god of Libnah, and the god of Mahmackrah, and the god of Korash, and the god of Pharaoh, king of Egypt; therefore I have come down to bvisit them, and to destroy him who hath lifted up his hand against thee, Abraham, my son, to take away thy life.

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