Monday, June 3, 2013

Things which were taught

  1.   1 And now I, Nephi, cannot write all the things which were taught among my people; neither am I amighty in writing, like unto speaking; for when a man bspeaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.
  2.   17 And it came to pass that on the morrow the multitude were gathered together; and he spake plainly unto them and denied the things which he had taught them, and confessed the Christ, and the power of the Holy Ghost, and the ministering of angels.
  3.   19 And he commanded them that athey should bteach nothing save it were the things which he had taught, and which had been spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets.
  4.   2 My brethren, I think that it is impossible that ye should be ignorant of the things which have been spoken concerning the coming of Christ, who is taught by us to be the Son of God; yea, I know that athese things were taught unto you bountifully before your dissension from among us.
  5.   1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and said unto them: Behold, ye have heard the things which I ataught before I ascended to my Father; therefore, whoso remembereth these sayings of mine and bdoeth them, him will I craise up at the last day.
  6.   7 But behold the aplates of Nephi do contain the more part of the things which he taught the people.
      8 And these things have I written, which are a alesser part of the things which he taught the people; and I have written them to the intent that they may be brought again unto this people, bfrom the Gentiles, according to the words which Jesus hath spoken.

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