Monday, May 27, 2013

"They were in number"

  1.   16 And after this manner he did baptize every one that went forth to the place of Mormon; and they were in number about two hundred and four souls; yea, and they were abaptized in the waters of Mormon, and were filled with the bgrace of God.
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      35 And they were in number about afour hundred and fifty souls.

  2.   34 Therefore, they did as Ammon commanded them, and he went forth and stood to contend with those who stood by the waters of Sebus; and they were in number not a few.

  3.   17 And when they had entered into this covenant they sent them to adwell with the people of Ammon, and they were in number about four thousand who had not been slain.

  4.   25 And the multitude did see and ahear and bear record; and they know that their record is true for they all of them did see and hear, every man for himself; and they were in number about two thousand and five hundred souls; and they did consist of men, women, and children.

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