Wednesday, March 9, 2016

"Which was laid"

  1.   20 And there was a certain abeggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
  2.   25 Now, if it had not been for the plan of redemption, which was laid from the foundation of the world, there could have been no aresurrection of the dead; but there was a plan of bredemption laid, which shall bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, of which has been spoken.
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      33 But God did call on men, in the name of his Son, (this being the aplan of redemption which was laid) saying: If ye will brepent, and harden not your hearts, then will I have mercy upon you, through mine Only Begotten Son;
  3.   2 For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall aeat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my bglorycremembering unto the Father my dbody which was laid down for you, and my eblood which was shed for the fremission of your sins.

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