Sunday, June 22, 2014

Consecrate kings

  1.   11 But I am like as yourselves, subject to all manner of infirmities in body and mind; yet I have been chosen by this people, and aconsecrated by bmy father, and was suffered by the hand of the Lord that I should be a ruler and a king over this people; and have been kept and preserved by his matchless power, to serve you with all the might, mind and strength which the Lord hath granted unto me.
  2.   3 And again, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of all these things, and had consecrated his son aMosiah to be a ruler and a king over his people, and had given him all the charges concerning the kingdom, and also had bappointed cpriests to dteach the people, that thereby they might hear and know the commandments of God, and to stir them up in remembrance of the eoath which they had made, he dismissed the multitude, and they returned, every one, according to their ffamilies, to their own houses.
  3.   9 And it came to pass that they gathered themselves together, and did aconsecrate Amlici to be their king.

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